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Last seen 14 hours ago
Member for 11 years, 6 months, 24 days
Difficulty Advanced
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

Best reviews / Newest reviews
As 8 times a 45° circle sector by complex numbers -Tinus_Trotyl 1
Meh... I meant some more fancy arithmetic. :-P E.g. total += (abs(complex(x, y)) >= radius) * 4 * (1 + (x != y)) More
Again, obsession with lists. `merged` is the true solution, line 13 is just bureaucracy. :-) More
First-StefanPochmann 1
Yup, that's factored. But since you already use the slice in line 7, it would help you in line 6 too. ... or parts[-1:] != ['..'] More
Loop all-wongwunlung
You mean, loop all _twice_. :-p :-o More
First-gottschalk.niklas 1
No, lambda is not your problem. Superfluous parentheses/brackets are your problem. Of course, regexen are always the second problem. (http://regex.info/blog/2006-09-15/247) :-P Also, logic. And escaping things. https://py.checkio.org/mission/three-words/publications/veky/python-3/godel-gentzen/ More
NIce-Chocolater 1
Sometimes it is easier to use a full generator instead of expression. :-) More
Nice usage of 3D numpy array. But the initialization could really be more compact... at least those dots after 0 and 1 shouldn't be there. More
Really? You wrote this yourself? More
Please don't use empty except. More
Suggest Better Solution-MdNowfal
The hints already suggest it. ;-) More
Simple-Readable-Chipper Map-MdNowfal
Too complicated, and not really readable. :-P More
First-halianka 1
By "new_" you actually mean "old_", right? :-P But seriously, Python has math.gcd. It also has fractions.Fraction, BTW. :-] More
13 operations-aureooms 1
This is really wrong, and shouldn't be "Editor's choice", except as an example of how not to do it. >>> checkio(int('1'*89, 2)) 32 And the link (which really shouldn't go into the docstring, but into a comment - I am appalled at how often people confuse docstrings and comments) nicely says More
X=1 O=4 -LAyer_8
Lines 15~20: wasn't it easier to say if 3 in sums: return 'X' elif 12 in sums: return 'O' else: return 'D' Or better yet, return 'X' if 3*1 in sums else 'O' if 3*4 in sums else 'D' More
OMG. Now I learned Python functions can have OUTPUT arguments too. :-D More
Weird defaults-veky
Isn't `.split(' ')` the same as `.split()`? And isn't `int(blah, 0)` the same as `int(blah)`? Remove those arguments and see. ;-) More
First-avalon3515 1
`not` is a useful keyword. ;-) More
life is pain-Keisuki
... and so is your solution. :-P More
Simple, but ugly code-ermichin158
Since you factored out that much, you could have done it all the way. :-P More
Very nice and factored. The only thing left is that _previous_next could use turn_channel instead of duplicating the code to return the value. More