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Member for 11 years, 6 months, 24 days
Difficulty Advanced
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

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Ran lam lambi in-veky
> ###### _They're all so pretty and so advanced,_ > > ###### _Maybe they also know our dance?_ More
Not heavy at all-veky
Does your language have the same word for heavy (as a box) and hard (as a mission)? :) More
as simple as cooking popcorn-Tinus_Trotyl 2 1
Those two pops are endearing! :) More
binairy tree climbing-Tinus_Trotyl 1 1
Mine is the same, only with less boilerplate. :) More
My solution is same as yours but exact (using tuples of integers). :) More
The BEST solution (I could come up with)-Ulukai85 1
Nice overall idea, but too complicated. tried is completely unnecessary, for example, since base is never decreased. [Here](https://py.checkio.org/mission/checking-perfect-power/publications/veky/python-3/catalan-and-three-bears/) is your solution without unnecessary details. :) More
Cloud number n in ... e ...-veky 1 1
Thanks @StefanPochmann (do you ever sleep)? More
13-liner: pop-przemyslaw.daniel
It's very awkward how you handle the case when item is a number. I really think it is convoluted code. More
Scoped-veky 1
Which digit is used at the end of line 6? :-) More
Mathematical-StefanPochmann 1
> The list of banned words are as follows: sum import for while reduce Yeah, right. :-P More
I learnd map(func, iterable, iterable) from veky's solution-ainem 1 1
It just shows how nothing is gained, and much is lost, if you try to squeeze everything in one line. (And yes, walrus is usually the problem there.) Semicolons, mapping lambdas, naming one argument and using name in another, and so on. If you really wanted to shorten, `iter(a + '_')` wouldn't need More
write on screen-kurosawa4434 1
This one is the most similar to mine, I guess. But still a bit more complicated. :-) More
> The shorter your code, the more remarkable you are. Then I am https://remarkable.com/ :-D More
First (breadth-first-search)-lisovsky
Ah, yes, the "sugrically removed recursion" solution. :-D But still, it's nice that you converted it to BFS (queue) instead of the obvious DFS (stack) one. (Not more than 3+ because you're too anxious about types. In a duck-typed language, it is mostly just nuisance.) More
... unless you're Dutch.-veky
There are some weird things going on here. For example, I thought Python doesn't have a character type (different from str). I bet you thought so too. Yet look at line 20. Calling ord('aa') raises TypeError, calling ord('a') doesn't, but they are of the same type. It seems Guido didn't really mean More
Cloud number... -veky
Are the clouds numbered starting from 0? Or 1? :-D More
scipy.sparse.csgraph.dijkstra-juestr 1 1
Yeah, preparing the grid into a graph for Dijkstra is a lot of work. It can be shortened somewhat by factoring those things that are repeated for all four cardinal directions, but it's not easy. In most places where you can use a tuple, you can also use a list, which helps when it is a 1-tuple, for More
double updown - no imports-juestr 1
yes, it's nive that in absence of zeros, two first ducks are in fact the same. 🦆😅 More
Myopic :-(-veky
An interesting question: why are parentheses needed? A more interesting question: were they needed in all previous versions of Python? ;-) More
Stars aligned-veky 1
`else: return r`s misaligned. ;-D More