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Last seen 12 hours ago
Member for 11 years, 6 months, 24 days
Difficulty Advanced
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

Best reviews / Newest reviews
any number of functions-DiZ
Hm, a nice generalization of [my code](https://checkio.org/mission/comp_funcs/publications/veky/python-3/def-def-def/?ordering=most_voted). :-D More
Simple, but ugly code-ermichin158
Since you factored out that much, you could have done it all the way. :-P More
You're overusing `continue`. if 0 <= i < len(grid) and 0 <= j < len(grid[i]) and (i, j) != (row, col): count += grid[i][j] (Or better yet, `yield grid[i][j]` and `sum` it from outside.;) More
Bools are ints. And genexps are better than listcomps. :-) sum(int(bit) == 1 for bit in bin) Of course, since those int()s are only 0 or 1, even easier solution is sum(map(int, bin)) More
First-yarnaid 2
list of filter of lambda... is just list comprehension. return [x for x in data if c[x] > 1] Nice usage of Counter though. :-) More
Very nice and factored. The only thing left is that _previous_next could use turn_channel instead of duplicating the code to return the value. More
I bet there are better ways...-clamytoe 1
You [win](https://py.checkio.org/mission/most-wanted-letter/publications/veky/python-3/key/?ordering=most_voted&filtering=all) the bet. :-D More
Ok, this is ridiculous. Usually I don't mind some complexity blowup, but n^4 pushes it. And why str(i) each time? More
That "return" is lonely down there, without else. :-] No, really, if all the ones above have their elifs, probably it should have its branch, too. And again you don't need parens around your conditions. You can even if number % 3 == number % 5 == 0: More
First-Richard_Lenkiewicz 1
OMG. At least write some function for checking divisibility, if you don't want to do it the canonical way (`if not number % 5`). More
Compare with Roman-veky
[Here](https://py.checkio.org/mission/roman-numerals/publications/veky/python-3/enum/#) is the Roman for comparison. :-) More
Not heavy at all-veky
Does your language have the same word for heavy (as a box) and hard (as a mission)? :) More
Generally verbose-smilicic
`d > -1` has the same number of characters as `d >= 0`. :-P Also, `sum(map(operator.eq, str(A), str(B)))`. If you hate importing more than dunders, you can use `str.__eq__`. And `for point in sphere: spheres[d] |= neighbors[point]` is actually shorter than the abomination in line 11. :-] More
Find palindrome for 196-kudinov.feodor
A nice idea, but it really can be solved much more Pythonically. At least you should factor out reversing the number. More
First & boring-smilicic 1
There are some nice batteries in itertools for that `for for if == break` pattern. Also, unpacking your cakes would help a bit. And you don't need () inside [] when index is a tuple. More
Moving on up!-andrewg12
See str.endswith. Your reinvention of it is very entertaining BTW. :-D More
You really like that `True if condition else False` idiom? `condition` does the same thing. Also, see `any` builtin. More
First-nsmirnoff 1
Cool. Here you can also use if...else expression, of course. array[n]**n if nMore
An orderly queue of one-smilicic
Nice and surprisingly readable. With all those actions, you're only missing some kind of Journal in your architecture. :-P More
Tail call division-smilicic
This is not a tail call. But you already know that. ;-) More