• veky's Activity

Exactly. And there is a _very_ annoying trend recently on CiO, where every @freeman_lex's mission ge
> The solutions of others are there to learn something. Not everyone has time to spend hours ponderi
Commented a forum post "Mission Difficulty" created by freeman_lex
Sure, but wouldn't it be _much_ easier just to have numbers 1~8 (with an explanation of what each nu
Liked a comment created by freeman_lex for forum post "Mission Difficulty"
There are three difficulties at CheckiO: _Easy_, _Normal_ and _Advanced_ (no relations to the Awesom
Commented a forum post "Mission Difficulty" created by freeman_lex
> By default, for Normal account difficulty the mission difficulty is one level easier (or Elementar
Liked a comment created by freeman_lex for forum post "Waaat?"
Yes, that's better, fixed.
Commented a forum post "Waaat?" created by veky
LOL... yeah, I'm usually the one who calls bull* about something being not understandable. But I got
Yeah, but I worried that there would be a rush of hundreds of people to answer, and I wanted to be f
Commented a forum post "Waaat?" created by veky
Yes, it "works" if you're willing to wait for more than 3 years 😵‍💫
Commented a blog post "What can you do with solutions"
I really hope you're sarcastic there, but maybe you need a [Sarcasm sign](https://www.youtube.com/wa
Commented a forum post "Supported Modules for Python 3.10" created by oduvan
I must say I'm confused. I would say I really use a lot of modules here, but I'm really not sure whe
Commented a forum post "Supported Modules for Python 3.10" created by oduvan
for which mission?
Commented a forum post "6. The Most Common Mistakes" created by oduvan
I guess the reason why you find it more intuitive is that you've learned coding in C++ or some simil
Commented a forum post "6. The Most Common Mistakes" created by oduvan
It depends on what you consider "appropriate". Yes, it could work, but it would be a lot more convol
Liked a comment created by dig for forum post "Is it considered cheating?"
Thank you for your comment, and I appreciate your perspective on the issue. I completely agree with
Commented a forum post "Is it considered cheating?" created by dig
I'm not quite sure I understand the question. Do you really think that people get a brand new idea e
Fibonacci missions were nice.

I found humour in the fact that python 2 is kinda dead. In python3, i
humor: I don't see what is so funny about not knowing C++. Of course this can be made simpler in bot
30 snippets: most of them are unnecessarily complicated, quite a few of them are obsolete, some of t