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Last seen 1 hour ago
Member for 9 years, 19 days
Difficulty Normal
Recent solutions I'm happy with (just starting/trying this): [Words Order](https://py.checkio.org/mission/words-order/publications/StefanPochmann/python-3/short-dict-subsequence/share/5bbb2df54ec5a810d36d7f70ae7e92da/) Dang it no markdown here?

Liked a comment created by oduvan for forum post "Awesome accounts can see some blocked solutions"
Yes, this is a bug. Thank you.
This has been fixed now, right? At least I just checked and now don't see the solutions anymore but
I've solved it already. But trying to view someone else’s solution I’m told “If you want to see solu
Commented a forum post "Can't share/publish solutions anymore" created by Tinus_Trotyl
What does the area with "Story", "Discuss" etc look like? I just came across weird behavior in [anot