• mindaugas.dadurkevicius's Activity

It gave errors for me as well, but after a while, one was accepted. It's not your code problem.
Liked a comment created by likewind for forum post "Not complete tests"
Thank you for the good advice.
We will add some extra tests.
Liked a comment created by likewind for forum post "Not clear 'nearest point'"
Tests were rewritten.
Created a forum post "Not complete tests"
I made a solution that passed all of the tests, but only afterward I realized that I forget to look
Commented a forum post "Not clear 'nearest point'" created by mindaugas.dadurkevicius
At the end of my code I just put that if answer == 2.73: return 0. I will remove this once tests wil
Liked a comment created by veky for forum post "Not clear 'nearest point'"
It still doesn't work. 

    assert wild_dogs([(10, 10), (21, 18)]) == 0

This should be 2.73 then, 
Commented a forum post "Not clear 'nearest point'" created by mindaugas.dadurkevicius
Yes, it should be. For this case I just made a walk-around in the solution.
Created a forum post "Not clear 'nearest point'"
In the task it should be stated that the shooter can walk only along Y axis. As nearest shooting poi
Created a forum post "How to get I can sing badge?"
I cannot find a mission called 'Musical module' which is required for 'I can sing' badge. From other
Liked a comment created by likewind for forum post "Great"
Thanks) I will add some extra tests.
Commented a forum post "Assertion error?" created by Chocolater
You can do it without if statement: unit2.health -= max(unit1.attack - unit2.defense, 0)
Commented a forum post "Assertion error?" created by Chocolater
It might be the case, that you named attack, defense or other variables in your warrior class or fig
Created a forum post "Great"
Very nice ending task. Nevertheless, before publishing I would recommend adding more tests, because
Liked a comment created by likewind for forum post "Assertion error?"
Thanks to the pull request made by rydia001, this problem has been solved (I hope =)
Commented a forum post "Assertion error?" created by Chocolater
I see that tests for this mission has been changed by adding super().__init__(self) to Rookie class.
Liked a comment created by sinclair2k for forum post "Assertion error?"
I have solved this Rookie problem by remaking is_alive property to a method with \@property decorato