• gleb10101010101's Activity

Exactly. And there is a _very_ annoying trend recently on CiO, where every @freeman_lex's mission ge
Liked mission "Internet Plan"
Find the current Internet quota.
I really like this article and the call to write clean and readable code. For me this does not mean 
Added paragraph 9.
Yeah, after adding templates mechanics creating missions is much more easier. No copypast, no troubl
Thank you! Templates is an interesting approach, but I think the main problem in mission creation is
Woohoo, Cipher Dict solutions are actually open! Now do that with more Polygon missions, please :-)
Liked a comment created by adamspj for forum post "Mission Difficulty"
This is a helpful post. I previously didn't realize that difficulty is subjective and relative to ch
Liked a comment created by Phil15 for forum post "Searching comments?"
I had the same problem 2 or 3 times overall and would have appreciated a way to search comments too.
I also saw this, but decided not to talk about it :)
Liked a comment created by katnic for forum post "This is terrible"
Я ничего так и не понял, что значат эти горы пустых скобок?
В одних случаях они часть текста, в друг
Liked forum post "This is terrible" created by Egor_Bushkov
This is terrible. There is no exact description. Contains ambiguities. For example: masks "**[** [ ]
This seems like a bug. Some Polygon missions are still blocked, so that even with my Awesome account
Liked mission "Cryptarithmetic Puzzle"
make a solver of the cryptarithm puzzle.