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Last seen 5 years ago
Member for 8 years, 4 months
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Wouldn't it be easier to just create a list of non-unique elements, rather than: (1) looping over original data to find unique elements, (2) creating a variable count just to check if it equal to 1, (3) looping over unique elements to remove them from the original data? Something like this: More
Why you first define x = 0, then change it both in 'if' and 'else'? Just make it x = n/2 at line 4 and that's it. Also, there's no need for the second 'if' at line 7 - just use the expression from line 10. Here it is what it looks like with those changes: def checkio(data): data.sort( More
You could slightly simplify your lines 5, 6, 7 with: if 0 <= k < len(grid) and 0 <= n < len(grid[0]): if (grid[k][n] and (k!=row or n!=col)): s += 1 More
Non-unique Elements-Gaydar
Interesting approach - usually people create an empty list and then append to it values that appear more than once. Also, you might want to know about [list comprehensions](https://docs.python.org/3.5/tutorial/datastructures.html#list-comprehensions) More
Have you read the comments which came with this task? (and can be seen in your solution) ;) Rather than having this double loop and condition (lines 12-16), nicer thing to do would have been: for element in data: if data.count(element) > 1: result.append(element) More
First-nlimpid 1
Line 4: if word in text.lower(): More
Line 4 is not needed nor used. Also, there's no need for creating a list (by using "[" and "]") More
'word' and 'text' are already strings, no need for converting them to string (line 4) More
Line 4 - there's no need for subtracting 1 from the length of data, so you'll just have 'len(data)//2' - notice the // - that's integer division, so you don't need 'int' in front of your expression. And now you'll have that expression in three places in your code - you could introduce new variable More
Lines 7-9 could be done like: data[i], data[i+1] = data[i+1], data[i] But even better thing would be to replace lines 4-9 with short and simple: data.sort() Also, there exists integer division so you don't need to convert floating number to integer (your line 10) l = len(data) // 2 More
Line 6, without a need to import math: half = size // 2 More
Rather than using int(num/2) three times, you could have created a new variable, and use integer division, so no need to convert a float to int: mid = num // 2 More
((You don't need) all those parentheses) (;)) if len(data) % 2 == 1: return data[index] More
It's just ussual solution-Mr.Geekman
There's no need for your line 4, since you define med for each case. But - I would rather use line 4, if it was well formulated: med = l // 2 (Notice // - it is integer division, so you don't need to convert a float to an int) Then your lines 5-12 become: if l % 2 == 1: return da More
Iterating three times trough data is not efficient at all and should be avoided. Your lines 12-27 could be replaced with: for x in data: if x.isupper(): upper = True if x.islower(): lower = True if x.isdigit(): digit = True As a bon More
There's no need for ; at the end of the lines. int(len(data)/2) could be replaced by using // (integer division): len(data) // 2 More
First try-halvorfladsrudboe
You might want to learn about [bitwise operators](https://wiki.python.org/moin/BitwiseOperators), they would make your life easier here. (And there are some other task where you'll find them useful) More
There's no need for all those if-clauses when you're using bitwise operators. For example, this is all you need per operation: if operation == OPERATION_NAMES[0]: return x & y More
You might want to learn about [bitwise operators](https://wiki.python.org/moin/BitwiseOperators), they would make your life easier here. (And there are some other task where you'll find them useful) More
easy to learn-p4leno
Lines 6 and 7 are not needed. Also, line 4 can be written just like: if znak.isupper(): More
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