• narimiran's Activity

Liked a comment created by StefanPochmann for blog post "Understanding IS Operator"
The title is a misnomer. This blog entry isn't about understanding the `is` operator, it's almost on
Commented a blog post "Python 3 Only"
> I’m kind of disappointed to see that only suic and me took the time to write some reviews. Speaki
Commented a blog post "Python 3 Only"
> What do you think about station LeaderBoard that was first released for SendGrid Station only? I
Liked a comment created by uNdim for blog post "New Unique CheckiO Island"
Yeah, this one fixed too, you won't receive any solutions you already reviewed before. But if you sa
Liked a comment created by uNdim for blog post "New Unique CheckiO Island"
You are right, reviewer should see solutions he reviewed before. We fixed permissions and now it is 
Commented a blog post "New Unique CheckiO Island"
Great news, thank you for the very quick fix! I tried it and it works as described.
Commented a blog post "New Unique CheckiO Island"
Also, there's another problem with not showing (own) comments in already reviewed solutions: Now I'
Commented a blog post "New Unique CheckiO Island"
I think I reported this a while back, but it is applicable here too. Currently you can do only rand
Commented a blog post "New Unique CheckiO Island"
> We have always given access to the Global CheckiO LeaderBoard This used to be in the menu on the
Liked a comment created by oduvan for forum post "IDEA: Do we need Python 2.7?"
> I don’t want yet to upgrade to version 3.6.

Commented a forum post "Points not increasing?" created by narimiran
Great, thanks. I'm marking it as resolved.
Created a forum post "Points not increasing?"
The points on my profile for solving/publishing missions seem to remain constant (at 4500), after so