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Member for 8 years, 5 months, 21 days
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Liked a comment created by kurosawa4434 for forum post "Not tested, the offset values"
Hi, greatdragone75.

The mission's output: 
Angles of a triangle in degrees as **sorted list** of in
Commented a forum post "Not tested, the offset values" created by greatdragone75
A strange situation, in my computer, there are no exceptions and everything compiles fine. But in th
Created a forum post "Not tested, the offset values"
import math def checkio(a, b, c): ang=[] try: a_a = (b * b +
Liked mission "Roman Numerals"
Translate modern numbers into Roman Numerals
Потратил кучу времени пока не понял что задача решена. Сделайте более явное сообщение что задание ре