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Last seen 3 hours ago
Member for 9 months, 26 days
Difficulty Easy
Medium Python programmer. I like clear code and one-liners.

Best reviews / Newest reviews
List Comprehension-druifor
And no need of square braces in `''.join([str(0) if i.isdigit() else str(1) for i in x])` More
re.search-kurosawa4434 1
[Almost won](https://www.codingame.com/clashofcode/clash/report/355305074a4585cf384f1206ab38f6675bca142) my own clash on codingame (based on this my mission) in Shortest mode. As base I used this your solution and shorted it to 138 symbols) ``` n,e,s=int(input()),input(),__import__('re').search prin More
Very small solution-Nik_Nowak
You can write also `date = __import__('datetime').date` instead of `from datetime import date` More
"Brute force"? Good, though impractical. More
First-tamagoyaki 1
Very beautiful, thanks for sharing. I didn't no that ellipsis can be used for endless cycles) More
Hinted-veky 1
Great! I was trying to solve this mission with a minimum number of letters, but my solution is at least three times longer then this... More
In Python, imports should be at the beginning of the program. More
First-tokiojapan55 1
Great, thanks for sharing. And it seems like I don't know what are "haipai" and "atama"... More
Using exception-nickie
Clearest solution for this mission I see, thank you. More
Great, but не "Я люблю Python !", а "Я люблю Python!". What for do you added whitespace? More
Interesting solution. By the way, you can remove the first line of imports. More
First-joe_5588 1
You can also return the value of expression without if: return not(len(elements) > 0 and elements.count(elements[0]) != len(elements):) More
It would be better to publish this solution in Creative Category. More
Second - Iterative Solution-freeman_lex 1
sum(range(1, N + 1)) is equal to sum(range(N + 1)) but the last is shorter. More
Incorrect Solution.-gleb10101010101
It is incorrect solution, but it works! You must add random tests! More
What's the use of i.isdigit()? It will be always True! More
The len() function returns the int object. What for to int() it? More
quest grinding-Bifftastic 1 1
It would be better to return the value of "elements.count(elements[0]) == len(elements)", not to check its value: try: return elements.count(elements[0]) == len(elements): except: return True More
It would be better to return the expression, not the variable: return len(str(value)) More