• kurosawa4434's Activity

Thank you! Templates is an interesting approach, but I think the main problem in mission creation is
Liked mission "Jumbled Letters"
How strong can you jumble a word?
Get an original text from nested dict
Liked mission "Cipher Dict"
Encrypt strings based on rules
Liked mission "Sequence Analyzer"
Discover the pattern and predict characters
Liked mission "Gator And Ducks"
gator is going to eat all ducks
Sum two passed ints
Liked mission "Save File"
Save a file with correct name
Liked mission "Word boundaries"
Determine word boundaries!
Liked mission "Archipelago"
Connect islands with bridges
Liked mission "Water Sort Game"
Let's play with flasks with colored liquids
Liked mission "Frogs Collision"
Hippity hoppity, abolish loopity
Liked mission "Dangerous Bishops"
Stay away from these bishops
Liked mission "Bishop vs Aliens"
In space, no one can hear you bounce
Break "hand" into sets.
Is the hand a winning one?
Liked mission "Revorse the vewels"
Consonants staying, vowels rotating
Liked mission "Count And Say"
WYHIWYG: What You Hear Is What You Get!
Liked mission "Tricky String"
Find the place where a word was hid.