• JimmyCarlos's Activity

Commented a forum post "398 missions ?" created by Phil15
Does the count include missions that have been removed? eg. "Parse Array"?
Followed m_vv
Commented a forum post "stressful subject" created by Vecz
From the mission description: A stressful subject line means that... ...ends by at least 3 excl
Created a forum post "107% in a test?"
Hi, can someone explain the test-case for this question? It says that ryerson_letter_gr
Commented a forum post "Second Index" created by ChristopheSauvageau
The questions asks for two occurrences, so do as oduvan says and return None.
Commented a forum post "Help!!!!!!" created by chalikandit
In the function, you will be given a string and you need to create 4 if statements to decide if it f
Liked a comment created by Phil15 for forum post "A brilliant set of missions!"
**_Me again, me again, me again..._ on Escher Island.** No problem with tests this last time.

I did
Liked a comment created by likewind for forum post "A brilliant set of missions!"
Thank you for the response)

(I'll fix this typo in 'analysis' right now)
Created a forum post "A brilliant set of missions!"
Hi, just a quick message that I have thoroughly enjoyed these missions, and the story made it all th
Commented a forum post "additional asserts to Safe Code" created by przemyslaw.daniel
From a mathematical point of view, the question of whether -0 is an acceptable constant to use in ar
Liked a comment created by Merzix for forum post "additional asserts to Safe Code"
-0*1=-0 is unusual, but not explicitly prohibited in the task. Therefore, the final decision for [li
Commented a forum post "The Defnders mission's test" created by SJ23y
This is deliberate design from the developers. The Rookie will attempt to inherit from the base Warr
Commented a forum post "Why NameError?" created by karndarrat
When you post your code, please put a tab in it - otherwise it becomes unreadable. I've added it in
Didn't like a comment created by 88nat for forum post "Why NameError?"
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