3 10
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Dmitry Berezovik
Last seen 2 years ago
Member for 2 years, 3 months, 23 days
Difficulty Normal
Created a forum post "Basic 66 test is wrong"
Basic 66 test is wrong: the right answer should be 40 not 10 Please check
Liked a comment created by katnic for forum post "This is terrible"
Я ничего так и не понял, что значат эти горы пустых скобок?
В одних случаях они часть текста, в друг
Commented a forum post "This is terrible" created by Egor_Bushkov
The task must be clear and contain ALL syntax description. How am I suppose to guess what [][] or o
Liked forum post "This is terrible" created by Egor_Bushkov
This is terrible. There is no exact description. Contains ambiguities. For example: masks "**[** [ ]
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