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Last seen 7 months ago
Member for 1 year, 5 months, 17 days
Difficulty Normal
It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.

Thank you. There were other problems in that code, such as __init__ not calling the superclass initi
Liked a comment created by Red_Ale for forum post "Exction triggered on Incinerator::Geometry_figures"
I see that your solution is rounding the result to 2 decimal points only for the circle. Try to impl
My code runs fine locally. It is incomplete as it gets and yet the system is confused. How come?
Created a forum post "Very Nice Mission"
I will not attach my code since, compared to what the masters are able to produce, it would only dem
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This post is specifically about the "Inside Block" mission of which, I think, the difficulty is dram