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Member for 5 years, 7 months, 2 days
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Nice! I didn't knew ('.', '')[text[-1] == '.'] More
Hi! I suggest you an alternative for loop: max_value = 0 for char in clean: value = clean.count(char) if value > max_value: max_value = value max_letter = char return max_letter More
Expand string to list, change in-place and join it back together.-pseidel
Hi! Nice code, I just think there is no need to transform to a list More
I really like this solution! Just one question: in line 8 abnd 10 is it necessary to do char.lower()? Isn't the text already all low char from line 4? More
addition, multiplication-404.mikhail
You should check array[0::2] for the part with the even indexes and for array[len(array)-1] you can just do array[-1] More