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Member for 2 years, 3 months, 15 days
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I'm here to learn / improve my Python skills and help other people if possible.

Best reviews / Newest reviews
clear and readable-kdim 3
Thank you for showing me `setdefault`: As fas as I remember I have not used it before. I like this solution. But I'm unsure if two loops were needed. Maybe one loop combined with del will be faster. More
simple one-kalauroma7997 2 1
I really like your version, as it's easy to understand. More
*'.'*-veky 1
Good solution. ... and I have counted spaces. ;-) Maybe I should search for a fitting library next time, first. More
First-Hunteena 1
I really like it. That solution is clear and understandable. :-) Thank you. More
Intersection of sets-perimeter 1
Nice way to do it in one line. I like it. More
see the ceiling-amvasiliev80 1
Interesting way to do this in one line. I like it. More
First-kudinov.feodor 1
Structured and readable. :-) I like your solution. Thank you. More
First-virginia_wolfi 1 1
I've never used map before. After doing some reseach, I understand how this is working. So basically this "converts the string into a array of integers and get the biggest of it". Good Job. :-) More
with comment-Sim0000 1
Clear and readable. I really like it. :-) Thank you. More
re.sub(ver.2)-kurosawa4434 1
Well, that's a nice and clean solution. Thank you for showing it to us. :-) More
result[isinstance(item, int)]-flpo 1
Cool way to solve this with bool as index value. I really have learned something. Thank you! But the mission seem to have changed a bit. When checking out your solution I got: Traceback (most recent call last): File "12-sum-by-type.py", line 42, in assert sum_by_types([] More
Put it in neutral!-veky 1
I really like your solution learned something new. Thank you! More
1-liner: round -przemyslaw.daniel 1
Thank you! That teached me a bit more about "lambda". So you just have to replace the complete: def nearest_square(number): ... with just: nearest_square = lambda x: round(x**0.5)**2 which replaces the original function. Nice. :-) More
one or no and-CDG.Axel 1
Interesting way to solve this with many "<" and ">". :-) I've learned something. Thank you. More
textwrap-fokusd 1
I like your solution. Thank you for showing me this library. :-) More
First-Serg900vd 1 1
I tried something similar at first. However, cases like '12 34 567' (multiple space between numbers) are not taken into account. So it's easier just to compare the text against it's uppered text. return text == text.upper() More
First-hbczmxy 1
Nice. It's similar to my solution, but I have not seen "//" before and have used int() for that. I have learned something. :-) Thank you. More
Pairwise-amandel 1
Clever solution. I like it. Thanks for sharing. More
accumulate max again-juestr 1
Interesting solution that I probably wouldn't have thought of. Thanks for sharing. More
mixed-mnbvc123 1
Well, it seems to work. But if you would have used set() and intersection this would have been much easier. Also no loops would have been needed. Hint from description: > Here you can learn how to work with strings and **sets**. More
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