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Mark Jackson
Last seen 4 years ago
Member for 4 years, 10 months, 25 days
Difficulty Normal
I am a proud addict. Many of my addictions include the pursuit of knowledge and personal development. Understanding this gift, I am careful to avoid dangerous activities which harm my health and mental stability. I have gained a new addiction to programming, something which I have tried to do in the past but lost interest quickly due to the terribly boring foundational requirements. Python is the first language in which I gained a fundamental understanding of how coding works, and once I've mastered it, I will branch into other languages (would love suggestions). A little about my background. I love Mycology, I graduated with a BA in Chemistry and Biochemistry, I love to make and spin fire props, I also love acrobatics and rock climbing, I love making and playing music, and I love to make processes more efficient. I have many ideas on how I can improve my life through programming and can barely wait for the time when I successfully create my first program which accomplishes one of these goals: - Download and save all my social media pictures to a local drive - Delete my 20,000+ unread emails - Create an OOP for genetic inheritance - Create a program to generate a set list for the songs I wrote - Create a 3D minesweeper variant game - Help others to learn code --Written 7/19/2019 with 2 weeks of basic Python understanding--

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