• vcdevries's Activity

Commented a forum post "Easy to solve by beginner?" created by vcdevries
Thanks kurosawa...i tried the sort and sorted before but didn't give the desired result...but puttin
Liked a comment created by kurosawa4434 for forum post "Easy to solve by beginner?"
Your code works with a little improvement.

The following functions will help you:  
`.lower()` `.so
Liked a comment created by kurosawa4434 for forum post "Easy to solve by beginner?"
Hi @vcdevries .  
You need to note the following:
* casing does not matter,
* If you have two or mor
Commented a forum post "Easy to solve by beginner?" created by vcdevries
Thanks kurosawa4434, i tried to iterate the ordered list (from the text input) over the alphabet to
Created a forum post "Easy to solve by beginner?"
I would like some feedback on the most wanted letter. My idea to build this in a very simplistic w
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Didn't like mission "All the Same"
Check if all elements are the same?