• sohrab_ha's Activity

Check if one symbol goes right after another
Decreasing frequency order
Liked mission "Integer Palindrome"
Determine whether an integer is a palindrome by given base
Liked mission "Flatten a List"
Make out Nicola's nested list and tweet how you did it
Liked mission "Fizz Buzz"
A word game used to the teach robots about division.
Liked mission "Follow Instructions"
Follow the instructions on how to find the final coordinates
Liked mission "Three Words"
How to discern words and numbers
Verify password by conditions
Liked mission "Pangram"
Painful zombies quickly watch a jinxed graveyard
Didn't like mission "Median of Three"
Mission median of three.
Followed veky
Liked mission "Sum Numbers"
Sum the numbers
Liked mission "Nearest Value"
Find the nearest value to the given one
Liked mission "Number Length"
How many digits are in the given positive number?