• ruslan.arifullin's Activity

Define a class and create an object
Commented a forum post "OOP 7: Adding Parameters" created by ruslan.arifullin
I've just read https://py.checkio.org/blog/how-to-improve-checkio-missions/ article. I guess I shoul
Add some parameters to methods
Created a forum post "OOP 7: Adding Parameters"
Hi dear community. The task https://py.checkio.org/en/mission/oop-series-7-2/ is explained very poor
Liked mission "Caps Lock"
simulate a fat-finger typist
Liked mission "Pangram"
Painful zombies quickly watch a jinxed graveyard
Liked mission "Follow Instructions"
Follow the instructions on how to find the final coordinates
Liked mission "Similar Triangles"
Similarity of triangles.
Liked mission "Surjection Strings"
Check that the 2 given strings are isometric
Liked mission "The Stone Wall"
Find the weakest spot in the stone wall.
Liked mission "Acceptable Password V"
Verify password by conditions
Liked mission "Words Order"
Check that the words are given in the correct order
Liked mission "Nearest Value"
Find the nearest value to the given one
Find the shortest path to pick up the compass, map and the spyglass.
Liked mission "Max Digit"
Which digit is the biggest?
Liked mission "All Upper I"
Are all symbols in upper case?
Liked mission "Ground for the House"
Find the area of the ground which you need to build the house.
Liked mission "Is Even"
Check if the given number is even or not
Liked mission "Backward String"
Reverse a string