• LuckySmoke's Activity

Liked forum post "remove brackets is Simple?" created by k_s_2022
How can be that this is simple: https://py.checkio.org/ru/mission/remove-brackets/ I spend a week,
Liked a comment created by k_s_2022 for forum post "remove brackets is Simple?"
Thank you!  Actually on the 6th day I took myself to google and find the way:  remove 1 braked, 2 br
Liked a comment created by ozg for forum post "remove brackets is Simple?"
I am still trying to find the solution, it is not simple
Liked mission "Similar Triangles"
Similarity of triangles.
Liked a blog post "CheckiO Quests"
Liked mission "Count Morse"
What if Morse code doesn't have spaces?
Followed dig
Liked mission "Count Digits"
You need to count the number of digits in a given string
Liked a comment created by dig for forum post "Career Opportunities Beyond Python Challenges"
Thanks for replying, I did not think about contribute to projects on GitHub, I will start now :)
Commented a forum post "Career Opportunities Beyond Python Challenges" created by dig
I don't work in programming so I can't answer your question fully. But from what I understand the ne
Hello! Recently, there has been talk about the need for many mathematicians and programmers, as ther
Followed ozg
Liked mission "Building Base"
All hail our Robot overlords.