• J.W's Activity

Commented a forum post "Is there a regular expression solution for this?" created by J.W
Thank you. Actually, I mean whether someone has an idea of re solution. :)
I tried but failed to find one.
Liked mission "Robot Sort"
Wait, that can’t go in like that, oh defrag- KABOOM!
Liked mission "Restricted Prime"
Check if a number is a prime or not. Sounds easy? You're in for a surprise...
Liked mission "Dialogues"
Create a mediator that allows the human and the robot to communicate and that can display dialogs.
Liked mission "Party Invitations"
Create the party invitations mailing system for your friends.
Liked mission "Bird Language"
Hello? Polly wanna cracker?
Liked mission "Army Units"
Use the Absract Factory design pattern to create your own army.
Commented a forum post "Which station(s) has practices of classes?" created by J.W
Very useful and helpful blog post!
Commented a forum post "Which station(s) has practices of classes?" created by J.W
Thank you! That's great. Do you mean this one: https://py.checkio.org/blog/object-oriented-programmi
As a beginner of python, I would like to do more practice on classes, but I am lost in the sea. Coul
Liked mission "3 Chefs"
Use the Absract Factory design pattern to create different classes for 3 Chefs.
Liked mission "Climbing Route"
Find the shortest climbing path.
Liked mission "Golden Pyramid"
Help Stephen find the best route down a pyramid
Liked mission "Inside Block"
"The city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo." -- Desmond Morris
Liked mission "Compare Functions"
Coding is fun. Heck you could do it too. Ever try that? Code away! Krummy results? Interesting. Onto something else then!
Liked mission "Days Between"
How many days old are you? I’m 7,665, but my license says 14,600...