• ClassRoom Practice

You want to know how well your students understand the topics you’ve gone over and how what they have learned reflects in their code? Check out the Class Practice page and you’ll see what Python language constructs your students are practically applying in their solutions. It can be reached from the right panel.

It is essential to understand that the practice page collects analytics for the only shared solutions, so you want to see the data here, your students should share their solutions after solving.

You’ll be presented with a table, in which the rows represent your students, and at the top are those who’ve used more constructs, and columns correspond to functions, modules and language constructs.

Here you can find what functions, modules and language constructs your students are currently using. (You can scroll the table up and down, and from left to right).

The plus sign indicates that the student practically applied the particular function or construct in his or her solutions. By clicking on it, you’ll be directed to those solutions and you can view how appropriate the student actually used it. If you click on the name of the column, for example function name, you'll see how your class is using that function.

The idea behind the usefulness of this page is that most challenges on CheckiO can be solved in a very simple way by using for and if. However, you as a teacher need to actually teach different constructs and be aware of how the student understands and takes advantage of them. Using the Practice page you’ll be able to see aggregated information of how your students are using the language.

In the next article we will learn how the Course Manager assists you in the creation of your own course.

Don’t waste any time! Create your first class right now and help your students to learn programming more effectively.