Class Customization
In order to see all available options hit "Edit" in the ClassRoom Manager on the right panel of your class.
CheckiO ClassRoom has a lot of customization options which are split into four groups. In this article we'll go over them, so you could understand which ones you want to change for your class.

First of all, there’s a big description field where you can add some text that will be visible on top of your class’s leaderboard, that is, on the main page of your class. Here you can put links to the important materials, tools and so on, so your students can easily find those.
Content - how the game looks for the members

"Course" - map/missions/progress on CheckiO map. More about course custamization you can find in the article about Course Manager
"Language" - Every mission is written in English but has a lot of translations. Here you can choose what will be the default translation for your students. Every student can change it later. Missions without the requested translation will be shown in English.
"Class members can see mission hints" - some missions on CheckiO have hints that help a user solve the coding puzzle. You will be able to see how members use hints on the solution history page (if one is activated). Hints on CheckiO have a progressive manner. The first hint can help you with the subject to google, and the last one shows the full correct solution. But you can disable hints completely using that option.

"Enable Quest Points(QP)" - QP can be used for open stations and open solutions without solving. Starting from a certain level, the user can solve weekly quests to earn QP. You can disable using QP for this class.
Privacy - control publicity of your class and members of your class

"Who can join" - if you choose "Anyone but the approval is required" you will be provided with the link, which anyone can use to request access to the class, but your approval is required.
"Forum access" - you can dedicate the forum for your class only, so your class question are visible only for you and your students.
"Class members' profiles will be public" - by default we hide students from the rest of CheckiO, in order for them to have a private space to learn, but at the same time, your students can see the solutions of other users. If you turn this option on - your students become visible to the other member of CheckiO.
"The system will track solution changes in the class so I can use solution history" - you can turn off the tracking of the solution history for your students. In that case - no valid data on the solution history page for your class.

Things like "Class members can see the rest of the CheckiO's solutions" and "Anyone from CheckiO can open/find the class's solutions" are pretty self-describing.
Notifications - how you want to be inform about activity in your class

"I want to follow every new member of this class automatically" - on CheckiO you can follow other users. It means that their activity will be shown on your Activity Page. All activities of your class will be shown on the Activity Page of the class, so you don’t need to follow all of your students. But if you want to have more than one class, you can follow all of your students and see their comments, votes and newly shared solutions on your Activity Page.

"Auto-sharing solutions will be available for all class members" - The standard workflow on CheckiO is that students read the mission - solve the mission (see all the tests passed correctly) and share the solution (so you, as a teacher, can give a code review and add points for the solution). As your students may forget to do the last step, you can activate this option, and in 30 min after getting a correct solution and being unactive - the system will share the solution automatically). The class member will be warned about that and can disable with function.

"I want to receive the weekly digest by email" - once per week you'll receive a short digest of your Class progress, like who is the most active, new shared solutions, newly started but haven't solved missions. This is a very useful option if you don't want to miss anything

"I want to receive members' comments and shared solutions by email" - this is a very useful feature. You’ll receive an email when your student shares the solution, comments something or makes a forum post. Furthermore - comments on CheckiO are very powerful - you can leave a code-review in one email-reply. It gives you the ability to support your class even when you are far from your computer desktop.


"Show the monthly leaderboard on the class's main page instead of the all-time leaderboard" - On CheckiO we have a monthly leaderboard and all-time leaderboard. We find that having a monthly leaderboard motivates players to keep pushing every month because we have a new winner every month. You might want to have that practice in your class as well.
If a teacher, or class creator, wants to become a member of the new class, he can check "I want to become a member of this class as well". In that case you’ll become a student of your own class (don't forget, that you can be a student of only one class).
In the next article we will find out how to manage the members of each of your classes.